Yes, they will trace you to the last bolt
Supply chain traceability is growing in importance. No matter what you produce, customers and business partners want real proof and transparency, which is what they get through your ESG (Environmental, Social and Governmental) reporting. By using induction technology for heating materials as well for charging mobile robots and automated guided vehicles, you can clarify and improve your ESG performance.
Driven by consumer demands
Consumers are no longer satisfied with labels and phrases like “environmentally friendly,” “sustainably manufactured” or “socially responsible production.” They want evidence – facts and figures – and transparency. ESG is a framework used by businesses to evaluate and communicate their performance in three key areas (more about these later). Working consistently with ESG gives you a business advantage today and even more so in the future. Improved operational efficiency, increased stakeholder trust and stronger brand image among employees and potential talents are some areas where ESG can make a positive impact.
Ultimately, ESG is driven by end-consumer preferences. According to an article (June 8, 2023) from management consulting firm McKinsey, consumers are concerned about issues such as living wages, labour rights and social responsibility. McKinsey also concluded that companies with higher ESG ratings have a 10 to 20 per cent valuation uplift than their competitors, and that these companies tend to get better financing conditions.

Consumers are no longer satisfied with labels and phrases like “environmentally friendly,” “sustainably manufactured” or “socially responsible production.” They want evidence – facts and figures – andtransparency.

Induction technology for heat treatment in manufacturing, as well as robot and vehicle charging in material handling and warehousing, can improve your ESG in many ways. Let’s have a closer look.
Where and how induction brings value

Induction heating (manufacturing)
- Inherently clean process leaving no carbon footprint
- The right amount of heat exactly where you want it – time and time again
- Less use of energy and less waste due to accurate and controllable process
- Designed for Industry 4.0

Induction charging (mobility)
- Virtually maintenance-free systems with no moving parts
- Flexible charging – easy to optimise driving paths and production flows
- Trouble-free operations even in harsh and sensitive environments
- Designed for 100% electric energy
Many business advantages
Profitability and responsibility go hand in hand in modern industrial production. Driven by consumer preferences, you have to be prepared to present exactly what you do throughout the supply chain. Even if you don’t sell directly to consumers, some companies downstream in the value chain probably do.
Induction heating and charging provide you with clean and efficient heating of materials in production as well as moving of goods between work stations and finally to delivery. When your competitors struggle with gas ovens and route planning for lift trucks, you take advantage every day by using modern technology.
And the day somebody asks you about that bolt, it will bring a smile to your face.