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Data privacy protection

When you visit our website; interact with us; submit orders; or use our services, ENRX will process your personal data. In this document you will find information regarding personal data processing, why we gather your data and your rights regarding this processing. 

Privacy statement for external contacts

ENRX Group: PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION for clients, suppliers and others  


When you visit our website; interact with us; submit orders; or use our services, ENRX will process your personal data. In this document you will find information regarding personal data processing, why we gather your data and your rights regarding this processing.   
The data controller in charge of your personal data is Application Manager Ida Nilsson
Contact information: 
CRM Application manager Ida Nilsson 
Address:   Bølevegen 4B, 3724 Skien
E-mail:    [email protected]
Telephone:   +47 35506029

Business Registration Number: 955 706 137
Website:   www.enrx.com
If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact us by telephone or e-mail.
Why do we process personal data and what kind of data do we process?
We process your personal data for various purposes depending on who you are and how we interact with you. We process the following information: 

  1. Clients’ and potential clients’ data: Name, position, telephone number, e-mail address and other personal data relating to the (potential) client contact. The personal data processing is based on a balancing of interests. It is linked to the (potential) client’s business activity and not the data subject personally. We deem it necessary to administrate and follow up the client relationship. That contact will only be efficient by having direct contact with the (potential) client’s employees. The processing is considered clearly foreseeable to the (potential) client contact.  Client contacts and potential client contacts have shared their personal data with us by handing over business cards, sending us e-mails and enquiries, and in face-to-face meetings. 
  2. Supplier data: Name, telephone number, e-mail address and other personal data relating to the supplier. The personal data processing is based on a balancing of interests. It is linked to the supplier’s business activity and not the data subject personally. We deem it necessary to administrate and follow up the supplier relationship. That contact will only be efficient by direct interaction with the supplier. The processing is considered clearly foreseeable to the supplier. 
  3. Recruiting new positions: CVs, applications, attestations and references. The processing of personal data is based on applicants’ approval. 
  4. Other Information. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “Other Information” is any information that does not independently reveal your specific identity or does not directly relate to an identifiable individual. Examples include an IP address, browser type, browser language, browsing data, device information, time and date of requests, login activity and cookies. Gathering this information helps us to ensure that our websites and other services work correctly and support our visitor and customer analysis.
  5. Cookies and Similar Technologies: As further described in our Cookie Policy, cookies are small text files containing information that is sent to us from your computer or mobile device. They are unique to your account or browser. We use cookies and similar technologies (such as web beacons, device identifiers, pixels and ad tags) to recognize you and track your activity. We use cookies to collect information about the way that visitors use ENRX Sites, to support the features and functionality of those Sites, and to personalize your experience when you use them. We use pixel tags and cookies so that we can determine interest in particular topics on our Site and improve the effectiveness of our communications.

You can control cookies and other technologies in your browser settings. You can also disable or block the use of cookies and similar technologies that track your behavior on the websites of others for third party advertising.

In some instances, we may combine Other Information with Personal Data, such as deriving geographical location from your IP address and combining website browsing data about your usage of the ENRX services with your name. If we combine Other Information with Personal Data, we will treat the combined information as Personal Data.

Sharing personal data 
We do not share your personal data with others unless there is applicable legal basis for such distribution. An example of such legal basis will typically be an agreement with you or a legal requirement to hand over the information. We do not use any external companies for data processing unless we have a written contract with the processor ensuring GDPR compliance.

Securing the information
Access to your personal data is restricted to relevant personnel. The company has established specific routines for protection of personal data and personal security. The access to data is secured by user name and password/pin code. In addition, there is access control to the company’s office and production premises. Access to this information is only given to employees who have legitimate reasons. 

Storage time 
We store external contacts’ personal data for as long as we deem it necessary to fullfil its intended business relationship purpose. This means that personal data will be erased as soon as we become aware that you no longer hold the position as the point of contact with ENRX.

Personal data processed based on your consent, will also be deleted immediately if you chose to withdraw your consent. Personal data processed in order to fulfil an agreement with you will be deleted on completion of the agreement and the obligations which follow the agreement have been met. 

There might, however, be situations where the company is legally obliged to keep personal data for a longer period than stated above. In these cases, the company will store the data at least for the period stipulated by law.  

Upon request, ENRX will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal information. To review and update your personal information to ensure it is accurate, contact us at [email protected]. 

We will respond to all requests for access, to correct inaccurate data, update information, or delete information within without undue delay.

Your rights in personal data processing 
You have the right to access, correct or delete personal data we process on your behalf. Furthermore, you have the right to limited processing, object to the processing and you have the right to data portability. To learn more about these rights, please visit the Norwegian Data Protection Authority website: https://www.datatilsynet.no/en/ or the national data protection authority in your own country.

To exercise your rights, please contact us. Our e-mail address is [email protected] and our telephone number is +47 35 50 60 00. We will handle your enquiry without undue delay and no later than 30 days. We will ask you to confirm your identity or provide additional information before we allow you to exercise your rights to us. We do this to ensure that we only provide access to your personal information to you – and not someone who passes themselves off as you. You may at any point withdraw your consent to us processing your personal data. The easiest way to do this is by sending an e-mail to the person specified above.

Concerns or complaints
If you believe that our processing of your personal data does not correspond with what we have described above, or that we in any other way are in breach of the data protection legislation, you can make a complaint to Norwegian Data Protection Authority (https://www.datatilsynet.no/en/) or to the data protection authority in your country of citizenship. Changes If our services or personal data processing regulations change, this may also involve changes to the information provided above. Up-to-date information will be available on our website at all times.