Excited about Arendalsuka
This year, for the first time, ENRX will be participating in “Arendalsuka” which is the largest political gathering in Norway. ENRX will host a panel debate about future EV charging systems.
Despite corporate headquarters being in Norway, the domestic market has made up a very small part of ENRX’s sales up until now. However, with our new focus on induction technology that enables wireless dynamic charging of electric vehicles, Norway will become an important market in the future.
Now, ENRX wants to put future EV charging systems on the agenda at Arendalsuka which is the largest political gathering in Norway.
"Norway is a world leader when it comes to electric vehicles and will obviously be important for us going forward. Therefore, we consider Arendalsuka to be an excellent venue to present all the exciting things we’re doing and at the same time discuss how we can create solutions that enable a future without range anxiety and frequent charging stops," says Bjørn Eldar Petersen, CEO of ENRX.
"It is predicted that by 2050, 78 percent of road transport will be electric. This will put pressure on charging networks worldwide. Therefore, we want to invite everyone who is interested in learning more about the challenges we face and how we can solve them to an interesting debate," says Magnus Vold, Chief Commercial Officer of ENRX.
Located in the heart of town
The ENRX debate will take place on the afternoon of Thursday the 17th of August. Paul Chaffey, former State Secretary in two conservative administrations, will open and moderate the debate: "What will the charging system of the future look like?" ENRX is currently putting together an exciting panel of experts for this debate.
"I am looking forward to leading a debate with a panel consisting of leading experts in the regulatory, financial, and sector-specific aspects of electric vehicle charging. Additionally, increasing energy prices and a challenging global situation in the past year have further emphasized the need for public debate," says Paul Chaffey.
ENRX is owned by the publicly listed investment company Arendal Fossekompani. The debate and the subsequent dinner will be held at AFK's own premises at Langbryggen 9, in the centre of Arendal.
"After the debate, we will transform the venue into a restaurant and offer simple refreshments," says Bjørn Eldar Petersen.
Einar Håndlykken, an environmentally engaged local patriot and head of Odd Football Club – currently sponsored by ENRX – will present the club's efforts to become Norway's, and Europe’s, most eco-friendly football club.
"We believe it will be a great finale to a great day in Arendal and an excellent prelude to the candidate’s debate and the municipal election campaign, which begins later that evening," concludes Bjørn Eldar Petersen.
About Arendalsuka:
Arendalsuka is the largest political gathering in Norway held annually since 2012. The event’s mission is clear: Strengthen the belief in political empowerment and democracy through open debate and involvement.
Arendalsuka is the result of co-creation between national and local political parties, NGOs, universities, research institutions, private companies and the Municipality of Arendal.
Arendalsuka takes place every year in mid-August. For five days, the city of Arendal will be filled with an interesting variety of educational exhibitions and events.
For more information, contact:
Chief Commercial Officer ENRX, Magnus Vold: (+47) 905 66 577
Communication Manager ENRX, Bente Amandussen: (+47) 957 41 735

TECHNOLOGY LEADER: ENRX recently received a prestigious order from the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) and ASPIRE Engineering Research Center for a ground-breaking initiative which involves the construction of a one-mile electrified roadway on the new State Route 516, near Orlando, Florida. Here, EVs will be able to charge while driving. This is a recognition of ENRX as the global technology leader in this field, says CEO Bjørn Eldar Petersen. He is looking forward to sharing more about the agreement and the company's future growth opportunities at Arendalsuka.